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  1. Power Devices
  2. High Frequency Devices
  3. Optical Devices
  4. Contact Image Sensors
  5. Magnetic Sensors

Power Devices Applications

Motor / Motion Control and Drives application

Motor / Motion Control and Drives

IGBT and IPM modules are indispensable devices for industrial inverter and servo drive applications.

Features of Mitsubishi Electric power modules for motion control

  • CSTBT™*1 chips
  • Low power losses and low thermal impedance
  • Improved dv/dt controllability by gate resistance (Seventh Generation IGBT modules)
  • PC-TIM*2 preapplied thermal interface material (Option for Seventh Generation IGBT modules)

*1 CSTBT is Mitsubishi Electric’s original IGBT chip construction incorporating carrier-store effect.
*2 Phase Change Thermal Interface Material

Home Appliances application

Home Appliances

DIPIPM devices are widely used to control compressor motors, fan motors, and drum motors in air conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines, and other small motor applications.

Features of Mitsubishi Electric power modules for home appliances

  • Wide lineup of devices designed for a variety of inverters including those that require a built in front end rectifier
  • Package compatibility carried through multiple device generations for long product life cycles.
  • TSIL isolation technology that offers highly reliability and low thermal impedance.
Renewable Energy application

Renewable Energy

IGBT modules and IPMs are widely used in applications that convert clean energy sources such as photovoltaic and wind energy into usable commercial power.

Features of Mitsubishi Electric power modules for renewable energy

  • Low Power Loss
  • Wide lineup (DIPIPMs, IGBT modules, IPMs, 5in1 IPMs, 3-level 4in1, 2in1 for AC Switch, 2in1, 1in1 and diode modules)
  • Multiple solutions that offer easy layout with low inductance for 3 level (T-type and I-type) systems.
Railway Traction / Power Transmission application

Railway Traction / Power Transmission

HVIGBT modules are used for railway traction inverters and power transmission.

Features of Mitsubishi Electric power modules for railway traction / power transmission

  • Two options for package isolation: 6.0kVrms, 10.2kVrms
  • Low power loss
  • Long lifetime, high reliability.
  • Extensive lineup covering a voltage range of 1.7 kV-6.5 kV and a current range of 200A - 2400A
  • Globally standardized packages, including those that are SiC ready!
Power Supply / UPS application

Power Supply / UPS

IGBT modules and IPMs are widely used in power supply and UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) applications to supply clean, uninterruptible power for data center and other critical assets.

Features of Mitsubishi Electric power modules for power supply / UPS

  • Low power loss and low thermal impedance.
  • Improved dv/dt controllability by gate resistance (Seventh Generation IGBT modules).
  • Wide variety of package types to service designs at various power levels.
Automotive application


Automotive power devices are applied in various components, such as traction inverters, boost converters, air conditioners, on-board chargers, converters, and AC inverters, in electric vehicles.

Features of Mitsubishi Electric power modules for automotive

  • Low power loss and high reliability.
  • Compact and light weight package options.
  • On-chip temperature and current sensors.
  • Devices designed to meet and exceed automotive standards and requirements.
  • Evaluation kits available.
SiC Application application

SiC Application

High Frequency Devices Applications

Satellite Communications Systems (SATCOM) application

Satellite Communications Systems (SATCOM)

GaN (Gallium Nitride) high frequency devices enable reliable, efficient, high-speed satellite communication links in regions where it is geographically prohibitive to install terrestrial communication networks. These systems also provide crucial communication links in emergencies where terrestrial links might be damaged/compromised or where high-speed mobility is required, such as satellite news gathering (SNG).

Features of Mitsubishi Electric high frequency devices for satellite communications systems (SATCOM)

  • High voltage operation
  • High output power
  • High efficiency
Base Transceiver Stations (BTS) application

Base Transceiver Stations (BTS)

GaN (Gallium Nitride) high frequency devices provide a robust solution for densely packed antenna panels in 5G cellular base station applications. GaN is uniquely suited for applications that demand high power density, bandwidth, and efficiency, particularly in the new cellular frequency allocations (3GHz and above).

Features of Mitsubishi Electric high-frequency devices for base transceiver stations (BTS) of mobile communication system

  • Achieve high drain efficiency of 67% by GaN-HEMT and transistor optimization
  • High efficiency allows use of simple cooling system, which contributes to smaller size and lower power consumption of BTS
Professional / Amateur Radios application

Professional / Amateur Radios

Mitsubishi Electric’s Silicon RF devices robustly support wireless communication networks with a wide range of product lineup such as mobile professional radio equipment for public agency use, amateur radio equipment, and the onboard vehicle telematics market.

Features of Mitsubishi Electric high-frequency devices for professional / amateur radios

  • High power gain
  • High efficiency
  • Built-in Gate Protection Diode

Optical Devices Applications

Light Sources for Display application

Light Sources for Display

Compared to Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs), semiconductor laser diodes have low power consumption, high-power output and can be used with optical systems having a higher maximum aperture. These considerable advantages mean that they can be used for projectors that do not require focal adjustment.

Mitsubishi Electric has a range of lasers available, including a multi-mode semiconductor laser with a 638nm wavelength and 3.5W output (when pulse-driven) that provides highly visible, vibrant red colors for color projectors.

Features of Mitsubishi Electric optical devices for light sources for display

  • High-power
  • Low power consumption
  • Wide operating temperature range
Optical Fiber Communication application

Optical Fiber Communication

With the rapid rise of the internet and following the maintenance of the fiber-optic communications backbone system, we are proceeding to introduce metro-type and access-type fiber-optic communications even in corporate LAN.

In addition, fiber-optics are now reaching private homes and high-speed communication services via FTTH are becoming operational. Mitsubishi Electric is making fiber-optic communications compatible with a wide range of fields, from industrial to social.

Features of Mitsubishi Electric optical devices for optical fiber communication

  • LD/LD module: Compatible with various applications, these modules offer wide-range support of FP, DFB, and EAM-LD including wavelength multiplexing
  • PD/PD module: Full lineup from short-range pin-PD to long-distance APD for low- and high-speed optical communication

Contact Image Sensors Applications

Material Inspection application

Material Inspection

A variety of flat object applications, such as glass, laminates, PCBs and metal blanks

Features of Mitsubishi Electric contact image sensors (CIS) for material inspection

  • Tri-linear color or monochrome images
  • Choice of Camera Link or CoaXPress interface
  • Software selectable resolutions from 600 dpi to 150 dpi
  • Scan width options from 309mm to 1688mm
Web Processes application

Web Processes

Applications include woven and non-woven materials, plastic film, foils and cloth.

Features of Mitsubishi Electric contact image sensors (CIS) for web processes

  • Tri-linear color or monochrome images
  • Choice of Camera Link or CoaXPress interface
  • Software selectable resolutions from 600 dpi to 150 dpi
  • Scan width options from 309mm to 1688mm

Magnetic Sensors Applications

Bank Note Scanning application

Bank Note Scanning

From ATM counting to counterfeit detection, choose Mitsubishi Electric's magnetic imaging technology for reliable results.

Features of Mitsubishi Electric contact image sensors (CIS) for bank note applications

  • Multi-spectrum, including UV and IR
  • Transmissive and reflective images
  • Digital output available
  • Tape detection available